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+234 813 350 3812

Federal University of Gashua
Large Scale Micro-Grid developed by the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and Funded by the World Bank


Ongoing / Planned Commissioning Date: January 2024


- 1.8 MWp Solar Power Plant

- 5 x 320KVA On-grid Inverters

- 4 MWh Containarized Lithium Storage

- 3 MVA PCS Capacity

- 3 x 550KVA Synchronized Diesel Generators

- High End Workshop and Training Center

- Construction of 6Km 11KV Downstream Transmission network with Powerhouse and 8 x 500KVA Transformers

- Smart Prepaid Metering System

- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

- Advanced SCADA and EMS Solutions

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